Thursday, February 01, 2007


As I type my son is loading up the car with his belongings. He's moving out (again) tonight. I'm a little meloncholy about this because I've really enjoyed spending time with my son and grandson. I hadn't gotten to spend as much time as I would have liked with Jaiden so I have taken full advantage. It was nice having Jonathan around as well.

On the other hand - I get my house back. No more Cheerios or pizza sauce on my floor. No more midnight (and 2am and 4am etc.) feedings! No more need to turn the tv up to a volume over the screaming child.

And I'll be able to really get back to business. Starting tomorrow, stamping with Sandy - then who knows what I'll throw out there!

I am excited and sad at the same time. Does anyone understand that?

1 comment:

Corinna is said...

Awww, they'll be back - to visit! Hey, do we get to meet little j in May?!